543 Day Writing Journey

An Uncle. Day 542.

My cousin, Sarah, Uncle Lee, and me

“You don’t want to move to Jacksonville,” Uncle Lee said. “It’s full of strip clubs and pawn shops.” He was visibly unhappy, but I could tell he was trying to hide it.

“Oh, Lee, leave her alone,” Auntie Sue, his wife, and my dear aunt would say.

“It’s rough,” he said, standing firm.

“Roger says it’s different now,” I told him. He smirked and pursed his lips. Roger was twenty-three and a grunt marine, basically a punk ass to a more seasoned Marine, but Uncle Lee would never say that. I can picture him, though, standing straight, holding a brown bottle of beer, wanting just a private five-minute meeting with Roger. I stood tall, too, because we share that internal, prideful grrrrrr, but inside I was saying “eek.”

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